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In the origin stories of most super heroes, like Batman and Spiderman, they began life as ordinary people.  Due of extreme circumstances in their lives, they needed to step up and take on challenges.  To do more and be more than they thought possible for the greater good.  The lesson…we can all become superheroes one way or another when times demand it.

Captain Utero was created with the idea that we all have the power to do extraordinary things when times demand it.  As we see more and more attempts to limit a woman’s reproductive choice, we all need to become superheroes.  We need to protect a woman’s right to decide what is right for her and her body.  Anyone can step into this character and do what they can to defend a woman’s right to choose.

No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.” ~ Margaret Sanger



